Mediterranean Chicken Flatbread

Mediterranean Chicken Flatbread


  • 1 cup Non-Fat Greek Yogurt
  • 1 med Cucumber, shredded then drained (1)
  • 1/2 Lemon, juiced
  • 1 tbsp Fresh Dill, Chopped
  • 1/2 tsp Kosher Salt
  • 2 Cloves Garlic, minced
  • Black Pepper


  • Naan (2)
  • Cooked Chicken (3)
  • Red Wine Vinegar, or favorite Greek Dressing
  • Mozzarella Cheese (4)
  • Red Onion, sliced thin
  • Olives, chopped
  • Pepperoncini, chopped
  • Feta


  1. Prep the Tzatziki first. Shred and drain your cucumber, then add to the rest of your ingredients. Let sit for at least 20 minutes to come together. (5)
  2. Pre-heat oven to 500*. If you have a baking stone or Baking Steel, you can utilize that as you pre-heat.
  3. Get your naan onto a pizza peel or cutting board. (6) Add chicken, mozzarella, and red onion (if you want it cooked). Then add a splash of vinegar/dressing around the pizza.
  4. Put naan into the oven and cook for 2-5 minutes until naan is crunchy and cheese is melted. Remove from oven.
  5. Top with raw red onion, olives, pepperoncini, feta, and the tzatziki. Add a splash more red wine vinegar or dressing if you want that acidic tang. Slice and enjoy!


  1. You really want to drain the cucumber, if not you’re at risk of the tzatziki being way too loose and runny. Ideally put it into a kitchen towel and wring out the excess moisture.
  2. I use pre-frozen Naan from Trader Joe’s that I let come to room temp before cooking. Use whatever you’d like here.
  3. It can be any kind of pre-cooked chicken, but what’s nice is marinating the chicken in your favorite mediterranean dressing for a few hours and then baking that off. It’ll reinforce the flavors of the dish.
  4. I typically use the fresh stuff from the ball and either shred by hand or slice. You can use whatever mozzarella you like though, if you’ve got the pre-shredded go for it. In general I try to go with whole cheese as much as possible.
  5. Tzatziki is one of those sauces that is better if left to sit overnight. Taste for flavor when you first mix, but do your final taste for salt and acid after it’s been left to sit. That’ll be a truer sense of flavor.
  6. We’re going to transfer the naan straight from this into the oven so use whatever is easy and safe for you to maneuver.

© 2020 Mitchell Schwartz

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One Response

  1. Paula Roybal says:

    I am enjoying your cooking lessons, thank you for your efforts. You have helped me offer more diverse options for meals. My husband knows when you have posted a recipe because he gets something new for dinner.

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